
Red Rose Cross Country League Constitution

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Red Rose Cross Country League


RULE 1 The League shall be called the RED ROSE CROSS COUNTRY LEAGUE. The name of a commercial sponsor may be added without the need for formal change, at the discretion of the Committee.

RULE 2 The objectives of the league shall be to hold four cross country races in each cross country season from selected venues and generally to encourage cross country running.

RULE 3 The member clubs of the league shall consist of those that affiliate each season. Membership of the league shall also be open to individuals for competitive purposes, who complete a registration as required by the league.

RULE 4 Every competitor shall be an amateur as defined by UK Athletics and ECCA Laws and be first claim to their club prior to running in a league fixture in order to be considered for team counting. Every competitor must be registered prior to taking part in a fixture. In the case of an athlete having previously been First Claim to another athletic club, the new club must show that athlete as a member on the England Athletic Licence Checker APP on the Thursday before the race.

Every competitor will be allocated with a number, which MUST be worn on the front of their club vest. No competitor will be allowed to start unless they comply with this rule. The number so allocated must be worn as issued and not be cut, folded or otherwise concealed or mutilated in any way. Any such alteration will lead to disqualification.

The race number issued by the League is to be used for ALL races in the season. Only the numbers issued by the League to be worn; the wearing of hand written numbers will result in disqualification.

In the event of loss of the number, a new official number must be purchased from Registration at a cost of £5.00. Second claim members will not be allowed to count in the scoring for their second claim clubs, but will be allowed to compete as individuals on completion of the appropriate registration. In the case of a runner having previously been “FIRST CLAIM” to another athletic club, fourteen days notice must be given to the league’s Honorary Secretary for registration.

 The UK Athletics rule regarding age groups and ruling date 31 August (midnight)/1 September, shall apply. Minimum age, 8 years on the day of the race. Any number of competitors may compete for their respective club and as individuals.

Teams shall comprise the following :-

Under 11 Boys first THREE of each club to count

Under 13 Boys first THREE of each club to count

Under 15 Boys first THREE of each club to count

Under 17 Men first THREE of each club to count

U20 Men first THREE of each club to count

Senior Men first SIX of each club to count

Veteran Men first FOUR of each club to count.

Under 11 Girls first THREE of each club to count

Under 13 Girls first THREE of each club to count

Under 15 Girls first THREE of each club to count

Under 17 Women first THREE of each club to count

U20 Women first THREE of each club to count

Senior Women first FOUR of each club to count

Veteran Women first THREE of each club to count

Team placings will be calculated on the race results with the deletion of individuals (i.e. guests and second claim runners). The overall team winners will be the team with the lowest aggregate of points from their best three races at the end of the season.

In the event of a tie at the end of four races, the team with the lowest aggregate time in the fixtures they have both competed in will be declared the winner. One team per registered club will be scored in each age group until default by not fielding a complete team. There will NOT be team awards for “B” teams.

RULE 6 In all individual sections the competitor with the lowest aggregate of points from their best three races at the end of the season shall be declared the individual winner. This will also apply to the women’s and girls’ races. In the event of a tie based on “best three out of four races”, the tie shall be determined as follows:-

If one athlete has run all four races, that athlete shall be declared the winner.

If both athletes have run all four races, the athlete having the lowest score over all four races shall be declared the winner.

If the tie still remains, the athlete with the lowest aggregate time over the four races will be declared the winner.

If neither athlete has run all four races, and both have run the same three races, the winner shall be the athlete who has beaten the other twice.

If the tying athletes have only met twice, the athlete with the lowest aggregate time in the two races they have both competed in will be declared the winner.

All registered competitors shall be eligible to win the individual title.

In the case of an Under 20 male athlete accumulating the least number of points for the season in the senior men’s race, that Under 20 will be awarded the senior men’s award plus their respective age group award. Similarly, the first six men, regardless of age category, will receive their respective senior men’s award plus their respective age group award if appropriate.

Women’s and U20 women’s awards will be made using the same criteria. In the event of a tie all four races will count to score. If the race is still tied, then the winning score will be determined based on the original rule. Under 17 girls will not be eligible for either the U20 women’s or senior women’s award. Awards will be made to the first six senior women and thereafter, in each age category, at the discretion of the Committee.

In calculating the U20 Men’s and U20 Women’s results they are to be removed from the main body of the Senior Men’s and Women’s results and allocated a separate results sheet. E.g. first U20 man 15th overall in senior race allocated 1st in U20 results (1 point), second U20 man 23rd in senior race 2nd in junior results (2 points) etc. The same results calculation to apply for the U20 Women..

RULE 7 The number and value of awards shall be decided from year to year by the Committee. As a general rule and for guidance, the INDIVIDUAL AWARDS will be :

AWARDS will be :-
Under 11 Boys – first SIX
Under 13 Boys – first SIX
Under 15 Boys – first SIX
Under 17 Men – first FOUR
U20 Men – first THREE
Senior Men – first SIX
Veteran Men 40+ – First THREE and also first THREE in each 5 year age group
Under 11 Girls – first SIX
Under 13 Girls – first SIX
Under 15 Girls – first THREE
Under 17 Women – first FOUR
U20 Women – first THREE
Senior Women – first SIX
Veteran Women 35+ – first THREE and also first THREE in each 5 year age group.

Clubs may order extra team medals from the Chair but the deadline will be 31st December at the end of the season.

RULE 8 All protests must be made in writing to the REFEREE as soon as possible.

RULE 9 Each club shall pay an annual affiliation fee before the first league race of the season and on the date of the first committee meeting of each season. Any club in arrears may not be allowed to vote at subsequent meetings or to compete in league races until such arrears are paid. “Guest” runners will pay per race. The club affiliation, individual and guest race charges shall be fixed each year at the AGM.

RULE 10 The “management” of the league shall be vested in a committee consisting of the President, Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Referee, Chief Judge, Chief Timekeeper and two representatives from each member club. A Jury of Appeal shall consist of three senior experienced club administrators.

RULE 11 All member clubs shall be held equally liable for any financial loss that may be incurred, but the league undertakes to refund any levy so made out of the first available surplus.

RULE 12 Arrangements for fixture dates to be made by the committee. The home club will be responsible for properly marking out the course, undertaking a risk assessment, obtaining the appropriate permit and for providing  facilities for the officials which should include some provision for refreshments, i.e. hot drinks.

The distances will be:
2000m – Under 11 Boys/Under 11 Girls
2500m – Under 13 Boys/Under 13 Girls
4000m – Under 15 Boys/Under 15 Girls
5000m – Under 17 Men
10000m – U20, Senior and Veteran Men
5000m – Under 17 Women
5000m – U20, Senior and Veteran Women

These distances should be considered as maximum for each age group. No runner shall be eligible to participate in any race outside his /her own age group.

Except for Veterans (35+ for Women and 40+ for Men) qualifications will be determined by a competitor’s age (midnight 31 August/1 September), in the current season. He/she will compete in that age group for the remainder of the season. Male Veterans begin at age 40 and in groups 40, 45 and 50 and Women Veterans 35 and in groups 40 and 45, as for the first race of the season, in order to qualify for age group awards. Male veterans over 60 may, if they choose to do so, run in the women’s race but will not be eligible for awards.

Male veterans from age 70 and above will run in Race 6.

The League may be dissolved at a General Meeting upon the affirmative rate of three quarters of those present and entitled to vote.

RULE 13 In the event of the dissolution of the Red Rose Cross Country League, all named Individual and Team Championship Trophies shall be handed over to the clubs whose deceased members or current members is named thereon, e.g. The George Goddard Trophy (Bury AC)

All funds shall be distributed amongst clubs in proportion to their years of affiliation.

RULE 14 All proposed changes to the constitution shall be submitted in writing or by email to the League Secretary 28 days before the AGM with replies not later than 15 days before the AGM and the Agenda circulated to the affiliated clubs no later than 14 days prior to the AGM.

RULE 15 No changes shall be made to the Constitution, other than at the Annual General Meeting.

RULE 16 All Team and Individual Perpetual Shields, Cups and Trophies shall remain the property of the Red Rose League. The recipient of such awards (Clubs, Representatives and Individuals) shall sign a receipt and undertake to return such in good condition upon request.

This Constitution was formally adopted at the League’s Annual General Meeting held on the 21stJune 1999 and contains the amendments passed at the AGM’s held on 20th May 2002, 10th May 2006, 16th May 2007, 30th April 2008, 24th May 2017, 23rd May 2018, 18th May 2022 and 15th May 2024.

1 Under 11 Boys: 12.15
2 Under 11 Girls: 12.30
3 Under 13 Boys: 12.45
4 Under 13 Girls: 1.00
5 Under 15 Boys & Girls: 1.15
6 Under 17 Men & Women, U20, Senior and Vet. Women: 1.35
7 U20, Senior, & Veteran Men: 2.15